Travel log integrated in Smartday
During week 15, we launch a travel log integrated in Smartday. GSGroup's Travel log can now be used with Smartday. This gives users new opportunities:
- Use tours as a basis for billing the customer for driving time and mileage
- Manage their tours in the travel log right from the app
- Merge tours
- Update the purpose of the trip
- Enter type of trip (Private or Job)
- See start and stop in the map
List of tours
All trips you have run are displayed.
Tours with purpose are marked with green.
Merge tours
If short stop has split up the trip you can
merge this to one trip later.
Link the trip to a task
To use the trip for billing
click on the car at the search box.
Then you choose the type of cost for the trip.
Values can be edited if required.
Information about the trip
Here you can see the start and stop in the map
and all information about the trip.
Purpose and type of trip can be changed.
The new solution is a module that can be activated if you have a travel log from GSGroup AS.
Improvements and bug fixes
As always, we've made a number of improvements and fixes in the new version. This time we have focused on the concepts and texts used in Smartday so it will be even clearer for users how to use Smartday. Several improvements in this area will come in the next version as well. In addition, improvements have been made in several of our integrations.
We hope you enjoy the new version.