Til innholdet

Lassila & Tikanoja


Working smoothly is more important than reporting

Lassila & Tikanoja’s property maintenance involves a staff of almost nine thousand people and a staggering 1,600 vehicles. Though we had had a need for a vehicle use and cost tracking service for a long time, a suitable system that fulfills all needs seemed impossible to find. We tested many alternatives, but they all had either technical or practical issues.

PPCT helped find a solution for our problem

Results from PPCT’s automated system were surprisingly good from the very beginning: utilization rates improved as mileage and fuel consumption decreased. The service has also made work management easier, and all other goals have also been almost reached. Collaboration with PPCT got off to a good start when everything worked flexibly and according to plan, including device installations to hundreds of vehicles as well as training and implementation.