Til innholdet

New version of the Travel log gives you easier adminitration of car sharing.

Have you experienced that employees forget to identify or use incorrect driver identification? We have made it far easier to keep track of which drivers that used the cars at what time. Now the employees can correct the mistakes themselves. It gives far less management, while improving the quality of the Travel log. The employees get access to travel without a driver, and with a "click" the journey is moved to the employee's travel log!


In cases where an incorrect driver is registered, the journey must first be set to "without driver" before the rightful driver can pick up the journey in his travel log.

Driver may reject a travel The travel log ensures traceability on travels. It will always appear who has rejected and who has taken ownership for a travel. The travel log also ensures that the employee only has access to journeys on vehicles within his department.

Contact GSGroup if you would like to know more about this.